Saturday, May 12, 2012

Volunteering with the kids :)

Today I had the opportunity of volunteering with some under privileged students from Seoul, Korea. I personally love children and was thoroughly excited for this day! My classmates and I didn't really have a game plan entering because we thought we could just free-ball it since they were kids. Oh how the tables turned! lol We walked into children screaming and jumping around with each other. I can't lie, I was a bit intimidated! We decided to split up into groups, so Ayesha and Chris were in mine. It was incredibly rough to get the kids' attention let along get them to cooperate. However, I didn't like the fact that I didn't have control of the setting, so I had to put my thinking cap on. I thought of some simple games that the kids might like and it worked! We played games like red light/green light, Simon says, memorization, and a spelling bee. One of the strategies I learn from being an elementary tutor was that everyone loves a little competition. We had to sacrifice some of our cookies in order to have incentives for the kids who demonstrated god behavior. This didn't stop some of them from wrestling, fighting, and trying to beat me up though.

Overall, I thought that it was a great learning experience. I was able to think on my feet and gain control of a rowdy setting. Knowing that these children lack the opportunities that other students have made me more hard on them. I had to raise my voice to get their attention sometimes, but that was all part of my plan. These kids are not going to get things in life easier. Therefore the sooner they realize that, the better. I'm never a person to judge. I just think that those kids were lacking more than just a better chance, I think they needed some extra care and love to know that someone still believes in them. After working with them, they left me without any sad or hurt feelings, but for me I wanted to cry. I get very emotional when it comes to situations like this, but I wanted to take the time to thank Jennifer for this amazing chance! Without her I would not have been able to impact the lives of these kids. Kamsahamnida!

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