Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Instantly I felt a connection with the old grandmothers of Korea that I didn't even know. These women are probably some of the strongest survivors Ive physically met in my entire life. Back when Japan was taking up Korea, these women took some of th harder hits. They were known as "comfort women," in other words military sex slaves. After the war ended, some of these women came out and declared their right of an apology. That's all they ask of the Japanese government. After all that they've been through they women don't hope to get money or goods from Japan, but just a declaration that they were at fault. Having been a woman, I felt very connected with the halmoni's story. After seeig the protest, I could see that to his day people will not let that tragic moment in history go. And I thank them for that. So many people are left forgotten or unheard of. I believe that the Japanese government refuses to say that they were at fault because then they would look bad and create a reputation for their country. However, I do believe lying makes them look worse. Therefore, Japan probably wants to only pay back by material reparations without actually saying they were wrong. That's all that the halmoni's are asking for. In my opinion, they believe that having their voice heard by the Japanese embassy will not only help their case, but also all the victims women around the world. As a victim myself, I will forever stand by their side.

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