Like I mentioned in my GCC group blog, I had the opportunity of visiting the DMZ of South Korea. At first before arriving, I didn't really think much of the trip since it just sounded like another border to me; like the US and Mexico. However, when I got there it was a whole different story. I think what made it different was that there was so much history and tension since they were once on country.I found the information that the tour guide was providing very interesting especially since he was putting in personal accounts of certain parts of the timeline. I think that the DMZ was definitely one of those areas that you will definitely have to go to at least once in your life. I think that people who live in Seoul are not as concerned as they once were for living close to the DMZ and I wouldn't be either. Like it always has in the past, North Korea threatens to launch missions with only the results of failing. To be honest, as a US resident, I haven't ever really thought about the US involvement with South Korea. This may be because it was the Forgotten War. In addition, the US definitely has problems of its own. Therefore, the US media usually only covers the most recent and active involvements. However, with my lack of knowledge of this involvement, I think that it remains difficult to successfully build a more open relationship with North Korea. In my opinion, I think that the US involvement is pending the reunification of Korea. Since the US is such a large and powerful country, North Korea could possibly be intimidated. Regardless of the matter, the trip to the DMZ gave me a sense of what really has been going at the 38th parallel that I wouldn't have received elsewhere.
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